Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms


Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Guadalajara Mexico) is an old and rare mushroom strain originally discovered in the Guadalajara region of Mexico in the state of Jalisco. This central part of Mexico was home to the Cuyuteco people also known as the Cuyuteca, they were a tribe of people of the Nahua Culture. It is known that nomadic people hunted game in Jalisco’s central valley. We do not know how long this shroom has been around but we do know it’s been many centuries. Magic mushrooms growth has generally followed wild game as their dung has always been a place where mushrooms began growing.

The Guadalajara Mexico shrooms are characterized by caramel golden caps, sometimes a little darker and with slender stems that range in colour from golden caramel to white. Users reported medium potency but very shamanic and profound spiritual experiences.

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Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online

Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online. Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Guadalajara, Mexico) are an ancient and unusual mushroom strain that was identified in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The Cuyuteco people, also known as the Cuyuteca, lived in the central region of Mexico.

Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online

They were a tribe of the Nahua Culture. It is documented that nomads hunted wildlife in the central valley of Jalisco. We do not know how long this fungus has existed, but we do know that it has been centuries. Mushrooms have typically followed the rise of wild wildlife, since their feces has always been a source of growth. Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online.

The Guadalajara, Mexico fungi are distinguished by their golden caramel crowns, which are occasionally somewhat darker, and their golden caramel to white stems. Users reported moderate potency, but powerful shamanic and spiritual experiences. The greatest Guadalajara Mexico Mushrooms are available in Canada. Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online.

Buy More, Save More:

  • 1 gram = $10
  • 3.5 grams = $31
  • 7 grams = $55
  • 14 grams = $89
  • 28 grams = $149

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  • Free Expedited Shipping on orders over $99
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Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms for sale.

Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online. Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Guadalajara, Mexico) are an ancient and unusual mushroom strain that was identified in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The Cuyuteco people, also known as the Cuyuteca, lived in the central region of Mexico. They were a tribe of the Nahua Culture.

It is documented that nomads hunted wildlife in the central valley of Jalisco. We do not know how long this fungus has existed, but we do know that it has been centuries. Mushrooms have typically followed the rise of wild wildlife, since their feces has always been a source of growth.

The Guadalajara, Mexico fungi are distinguished by their golden caramel crowns, which are occasionally somewhat darker, and their golden caramel to white stems. Users reported moderate potency, but powerful shamanic and spiritual experiences. Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online.

After 10 to 30 minutes of eating shrooms from Guadalajara, Mexico, your mood will be increased with exhilaration and enthusiasm. Depending on dose, visual improvements might range from minor to strong.

Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online. Things may seem to be breathing, the surrounding environment will feel more alive, and you may find yourself introspecting. Music and art will seem and feel differently, and you will have a greater appreciation for them and may connect to them on a more personal level. The usual museum dosage (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should give 3-6 hours of trip duration.

Guadalajara Magic Mushrooms: Background

Guadalajara magic mushrooms (psilocybe cubensis Guadalajara Mexico) are native to the western Mexican state of Guadalajara. It emphasizes its powerful spiritual impacts and even out-of-body experiences and is a vigorous colonizer and fruiter. The caps are of a modest size and golden caramel hue, while the stems are thin, white, and somewhat curled.

Guadalajara Magic Mushrooms: Habitat

Originate from the Guadalajara region of western Mexico.

Guadalajara Magic Mushrooms: Taxonomy/Naming



Species Name


Sub Species

Common Name
psilocybe cubensis Guadalajara Mexico

Guadalajara Magic Mushrooms: Physical Description


Caps are moderately sized and golden caramel in colour.


Spore Print



Stems are slender, white and slightly curved.

Are entheogens allowed in Mexico?

The primary component of a magic mushroom is psilocybin. I was not shocked to find that the Mexican Psilocybin Society is hosting a march in Mexico City on September 20 to promote the legalization of psilocybin after learning about magic mushrooms. It is now categorized as a Type 1 drug, which is extremely addictive and has no medicinal value. Can magic mushrooms in Mexico relieve depression?

Where in Mexico do hallucinogenic mushrooms grow?

In a few tiny settlements of Mexico’s central highlands, the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms persists today. In the Sierra Mazatec, a hilly area in the northern section of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, three species of hallucinogens grow between June and September, during the wet season. Mexico’s discovery of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online.

What is the age of mushrooms in Mexico?

Other clues indicate that the usage of mushrooms extends much farther back in antiquity. This is the case with more than 200 “stone mushrooms” discovered on Quiché and Mam lands in Chiapas and Guatemala. Some are earlier, pre-classical artifacts dating back more than 3,000 years. Mexico’s discovery of hallucinogenic mushrooms

Why are fungi revered?

Before being classified as “magic” and becoming the worldwide phenomena they are today, the Mesoamerican peoples of Mexico regarded particular mushrooms as holy. The direct translation of the Nahuatl term teonanacatl is “the flesh of God.” Buy Guadalajara Mexico Magic Mushrooms online.


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