Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online


Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online. Psilocybe atlantis magic truffles are the strongest magic truffles in our catalog. In a small dose (5-10 grams) the will induce a happy and funny trip. In a higher dose (15 grams) the Psilocybe atlantis will give a strong “ecstasy” trip with deep colours and is considered to be for experienced trippers only.



Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online

Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online. The Psilocybe Atlantis magic truffle is substantially connected to the Psilocybe Mexicana magic truffle. But they have been shown to be a distinct species by mycologists. The mushrooms of the P. Atlantis are also known as the Atlantis Liberty Caps and they have been discovered in the grasslands of Fulton County, Georgia in the United States.

Atlantis truffles are also known as “Atlanta Liberty Caps Truffles”, Sclerotia, Triprocks, Philosophers’ Stones (even though this is really the P. tampanensis) and Númenórian XTC. Atlantis are regarded to be the strongest truffles due to the large quantities of psilocin and psilocybin identified following testing on all truffle-forming species. Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online


15 grams of Magic Truffles. In vacuum packed package.

Storing and preserving Magic Truffles

Always keep Magic Truffles in the fridge (2-4 °C) in closed (vacuum sealed) packaging. If kept in this method, you may keep the Truffles until the best before date. After breaching the vacuum seal, the Truffles may be stored for up to 2 days without losing their efficacy. Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online

Effects of Magic Truffles

The active chemicals in Magic Truffles are psilocin and psilocybin. Both chemicals are quickly absorbed in the human body and are responsible for the psychedelic effects of Magic Truffles. Read more about psilocin and psilocybin.

Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online. In low dosages, eating Magic Truffles might elicit giggly and stoned symptoms. In this stage, it is still possible to converse and you are still aware of your surroundings. In larger dosages, Magic Truffles distort reality and may induce hallucinations.

The initial benefits of Magic Truffles might be noticed after 30 minutes (or occasionally even after 10 minutes) after eating. These effects might include (but are not limited to) sweaty hands, sighs, chilly chills, a sensation of discontent and nausea. As the effects develop, the trip leans towards pleasure and happiness, although sensations of worry might arise as well. Visions, hallucinations and profound ties to other psychonauts are potential consequences.

After an hour, the effects of Magic Truffles normally cease escalating and become more consistent. They normally last for around 3 to 5 hours, depending on the eaten quantity. After this period, it takes roughly 1 to 2 hours for the effects to dissipate. This fading typically happens in waves, which may seem the trip is ending, before the effects rush back again. For this reason, organize your trip wisely and make sure you have no other business to attend to on the day you will trip on Truffles. Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online

The first hour of your travel, you may suffer sensations of nausea or illness. This sensation normally disappears as the benefits of Magic Truffles strengthen.

Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online. What you will see and feel during a Magic Truffle journey strongly relies on your mentality and the atmosphere of your trip. Your mental state in the days preceding your journey and the environment of the area where you travel strongly impact your experiences. A busy and difficult week might result in a little apprehensive, stressful journey, but can also finish the week with fresh insights and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, only take Magic Truffles if you feel psychologically balanced and calm. Only take Magic Truffles in a comfortable or calm environment, ideally with someone you know and trust. There is nothing more unpleasant than irritation amongst people when you are tripping.

Read about appropriate usage of Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms.

Dose of Magic Truffles

Atlantis Truffles are regarded as moderate to powerful Truffles. They are appropriate for beginners.

  • For a microdose, consume 0.2 – 0.5 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a light trip, consume 5-7 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a powerful trip, consume 10 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For an overpowering journey, ingest 15 grams of Magic Truffles per person.

Use of Magic Truffles

  • Eat Magic Truffles uncooked.
  • For the optimum benefits, consume on an empty stomach.
  • Make sure you consume your last meal a minimum of 2-4 hours before your journey.
  • We advised to refrain from caffeinated beverages.
  • Chew the Truffles thoroughly; it helps the body to absorb the psychotropic components and also helps against sickness.

Don’t enjoy the flavor of Magic Truffles? Eat the Truffles with a handful of almonds, some tea or in a soup to conceal the taste. Never cook the truffles, this diminishes their potency! Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online


  • Don’t mix with other medications and/or alcohol.
  • Don’t use in conjunction with medicine and MAO inhibitors.
  • Don’t use in situations of depression or susceptibility to psychosis.
  • Don’t use while pregnant or nursing.
  • Don’t use if younger than 18 years of age.


A truffle or sclerotium is a live product. It could be conceivable that air (particularly CO²) is trapped within the box. This will cause the sclerotia continue to develop and white “hairs” will form on the exterior of the truffles. This is the mycelium and demonstrates the truffles are healthy. This is edible and doesn’t impact the journey. Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online

Buy Magic Truffles Atlantis online

Productcode sc-pg15
Weight (KG) 0.1000
Portions 1 – 3
Species Psilocybe galindoi
Origin United States
Contents 15g
Potency High

What happens when you consume Atlantis magic truffles?

After only 10 grams of the psilocybe Atlantis Magic Truffles your mood, visual perception, and reality already will alter. Depending on your mood and a broad variety of conditions, you will feel somewhat motivated, full of energy, and with heightened cognitive capacities. Atlantis Magic Truffles

What is the Psilocybe atlantis magic truffle?

The Psilocybe atlantis magic truffle is substantially connected to the Psilocybe mexicana magic truffle. But they have shown to be a distinct species by mycologists. The mushrooms of the P. atlantis are also known as the Atlantis Liberty Caps and they have been discovered in the grasslands of Fulton County, Georgia in the United States. Magic Truffles Atlantis

What are Atlantis truffles?

Atlantis truffels are also known as “Atlanta Liberty Caps Truffles”, Sclerotia, Triprocks, Philosophers’ Stones (eventhough this is really the P. tampanensis) and Númenórian XTC. Atlantis are regarded to be the strongest truffles due of the large quantities of psilocin and psilocybin identified following testing on all truffle-forming species. Magic Truffles Atlantis –

What are the strongest magic truffles?

Psilocybe atlantis magic truffles are the strongest magic truffles in our store. In a little dosage (5-10 grams) the will cause a cheerful and humorous trip. In a larger dosage (15 grams) the Psilocybe atlantis will offer an intense “ecstasy” trip with vivid colours and is regarded to be for experienced trippers only.