Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)



Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)

Looking for Malabar Coast Spores? You’re right where you need to be. Our psilocybe spores are genetically tested, vigorous, & assembled in an ISO-7 clean room so that you don’t run into any issues.

Skill Level Beginner
Species Psilocybe cubensis
Spore Color Purple / Black
Speed Moderate to fast

Kit Contents

  • 10CC Psilocybe cubensis spore solution in luer-lok syringe
  • 1 x sterile 18ga blunt tipped needle

Strain Origin

Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). The Malabar Coast strain of psilocybe cubensis was discovered in India, in the humid /  coastal areas in the southwest of the country. Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). The assumption is that it had been used in India for religious & healing practice, but there is shockingly little information on its use in the nation of its origin. This strain has been popularized primarily by western mycology communities & psychonauts alike, and has found a home as one of the preferred strains in our catalog.


Malabar Coast is quite easy to work with, as it is vigorous, contam-resistant, and not too dissimilar from other popular strains like Golden Teacher. Working with these spores should be pretty approachable for a beginner. Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)

Spore Features

Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Sub-ellipsoid on 4-spored basidia, dark purple to brownish spores. Caps are generally smaller and don’t tear away from the partial veil until reaches full maturity. Even then the membranous annulus (ring) on the partial veil will remain attached even after full maturity, causing spore deposits to be lighter than other varieties. The spores you will receive are healthy & perfectly ready for microscopy use.


Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Malabar Coast is a pretty rare strain that would make a unique & fun addition to anyones collection. While it may not be as rare as, let’s say, Treasure Coast, the Malabar Coast strain is much harder to find than most other popular strains. Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Additionally, finding spores that are truly Malabar, pure, and viable adds a layer of difficulty to your sourcing efforts. We’ve been supplying these since ’08 and have a team of mycologists to ensure every last batch.

Cultural Significance 

Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Malabar Coast has its roots deep in the coastline of southwest India. However, it has really found its home here in the USA, specifically amongst Indian Americans & mycologists with a curiosity for international fungi. It will be interesting to watch this mushroom climb in popularity over the next few years! Buy Malabar Coast Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)

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